It didn’t take me a long time to decide that I liked Jekyll. A blog run almost entirely on plaintext files? No weird SQL databases to worry about? Man, that sounds sweet! Where do I sign up?
All the better when I learned that GitHub uses Jekyll to create its websites (GitHub Pages)—a site for which I already held an account. Sounds like a great opportunity to build a new blog and learn some new things!
Looking at all the documentation for GitHub Pages and Jekyll made it seem like I’d be up and running in about 8 seconds. There were a number of prefabricated Jekyll themes set up in GitHub repos just waiting to be forked; all I had to do is pick one I liked!
Of course, I didn’t want to publish a website without adding some content and
personalizing it a bit,
so once I picked one (Hyde), I took some time
to dig into the Jekyll docs and configs to
see where I could customize and tweak stuff. I had read that I could actually
run the site offline using jekyll serve
, so I thought “maybe I’ll get
everything set up locally first, write a few posts, then push it live later!”
Sometimes, running an OS like Arch Linux is a real blessing. Other times, you’ll be wringing your hands, contemplating how much force it would take to break your computer monitor. Still others, you sit back in your chair, eyes glazed over from reading the Arch Wiki and countless guides on the web—your brain has decided to short-circuit. It’s not uncommon for me to experience a mixture of these emotions when learning something new, and getting Jekyll to work with Hyde (not trying to be funny) on Arch certainly fell into the “a bit of everything” category.
Getting Jekyll installed on Arch was pretty simple, as outlined in the Arch
Wiki. Just install the ruby
package, then run gem install jekyll
. Finally,
edit the $PATH
variable to include any gems you install with ruby:
PATH="$(ruby -e 'print Gem.user_dir')/bin:$PATH"
After that, you can run the jekyll
command without using the full path
(something like $HOME/.gem/ruby/$version/bin/jekyll
). Very simple.
I wasn’t exactly sure what to do after that, though. Where do I put the files
for the website? How do I run the jekyll serve
command? Turns out this is
quite simple as well. Grab the site files from your favorite theme, dump them
in a folder, then run jekyll serve
in that folder. Nice! Let’s grab that
Hyde theme and get that server running!
mkdir .site && cd .site
git clone
cd hyde
jekyll serve
This is where I encountered some problems.
Deprecation: You appear to have pagination turned on, but you haven’t included
the jekyll-paginate
gem. Ensure you have gems: [jekyll-paginate]
in your configuration file.
Since v3.0, permalinks for pages in subfolders must be relative to the site source directory, not the parent directory. Check for more info.
It appears the Hyde theme I wanted to use wasn’t working. After a little research, I discovered the theme was outdated enough that a new version of Jekyll came out and deprecated a few of the config options that it tries to set. And of course Arch always has the latest and greatest of everything.
Note: Had I simply gone to the website the second error linked to, I would have found the answers I was looking for.
I went digging into the GitHub Issues and Pull Requests for the Hyde repository thinking I’d find an answer there. I eventually did find the fixes I needed, which were quite trivial.
The first error is because Jekyll v3 no longer handles paginating pages (the older/newer links you see that the bottom of this page) on its own. That functionality got split out into its own plugin, which needed to be downloaded and installed, then activated in the config file.
gem install jekyll-paginate
then, in _config.yml
gems: [jekyll-paginate]
The second error is because relative permalink support was removed entirely. So, we can just get rid of this line while we’re at it:
relative permalinks: true
Okay! Let’s get this sucker up and running! jekyll-serve
Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error: Unknown tag ‘gist’ in [$HOME]/…
Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error: Unknown tag ‘gist’ in _layouts/…
Hmm. What’s gist? Maybe I can do gem install gist
Fetching: gist-4.5.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed gist-4.5.0
Parsing documentation for gist-4.5.0
Installing ri documentation for gist-4.5.0
Done installing documentation for gist after 0 seconds
1 gem installed
Sweet! Gotta add that to the gems:
gems: [jekyll-paginate, gist]
Surely it’ll work now! jekyll serve
Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error: Unknown tag ‘gist’ in [$HOME]/… Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error: Unknown tag ‘gist’ in _layouts/…
Hrm. After some more searching, it turns out the syntax for that gem isn’t just
, it’s jekyll-gist
. So back to _config.yml
gems: [jekyll-paginate, jekyll-gist]
Server running... press ctrl-c to stop.
Gangbusters! It’s working! All in all, it only took about 10 hours of my time. Of course, if I had just looked here, I would have found the solutions a LOT faster (and you wouldn’t have had to read my blog post).