This past Friday and Saturday I made an overnight visit to Japan’s former capital, 京都市, to see my uncles and take in the sights around town. Rather than bore you with a laundry list of places I went and things I saw, I will let the pictures speak for me. Needless to say, Kyoto is a gorgeous city with a ton of history.

Golden Temple
金閣寺, the Golden Temple
Rock Temple
竜安寺, temple featuring a zen rock garden
Silver Temple
銀閣寺, the Silver Temple
Kyoto Taste
A seasonal taste of Kyoto, featuring Matcha Sorbet with roasted soy flour
Mountain Path
伏見稲荷大社, mountain path with thousands of red 鳥居 gates
Clear Water Temple
清水寺, large temple built on a hillside and supported with giant pillars
Tall Platform Temple
高台寺, Buddhist temple established by a widow in honor of her husband
人力車, a popular mode of transport in certain parts of Kyoto