Went to another new church today. This one was a good deal south from where we live. It was a pretty large church with a rather small congregation, but they offered a bilingual service. We found out towards the end that it was a Pentecostal church, as the last part of the service was devoted to the laying of hands and some speaking in tongues which, when coming from an older Japanese woman, was a very interesting experience. We had an opportunity to introduce ourselves and darling Pearl shared her Fukushima testimony, by which they were captivated. That story never fails to amaze.

Pentecostal Church

Darling Pearl made us more cookies, and prepared us some food for tomorrow’s lunch. Gracious as always. Also had a good discussion during devotions about church community. She thinks that I can blend in and integrate in any church, but because she has certain deeply-held beliefs, that she will not be accepted as quickly (or completely). Sometimes I wonder if my ability to “blend in” is an asset for God or a sign of weakness in my beliefs. Darling Pearl thinks it’s a good thing, that it’s more a testimony to my patience with people. I’ll just go with that.

God, thanks for Your wild, diverse, crazy church. Thanks for today’s reminder that worship comes in many flavors, and that even though we may be different, we are all united in Christ. Amen.